Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Times They Are a Changin

I've come to a point in my short life where everything is heading towards change:
  • My parents are finally kicking me out of my house.
  • I'm going to get a new job, one that pays me enough money to live off of.
  • I have to leave my current job at Wendy's.
  • I'll need to buy a house soon.
  • The house I'm going to buy will be in an area downtown.
Depending on how thoroughly my parents go through with kicking me out this will all likely happen by or around January. And all of these things scare me to death. Things could very easily fall through, and then what would I do? Certainly God would see me through whatever trials come my way, but even so I'm scared of the changes-of change in general.

I've been submitting my resume to places online hoping to find a suitable job, but even these I have trouble following up with because I'm afraid of something. I'm not sure what exactly it is I'm afraid of there. Maybe I'm just waiting for the right job to fall into my lap. As if that would happen again.

Honestly, I should have been at this point in my life LAST YEAR... I've just sort of been floating around life, though by doing so I've gotten to experience some good things, like serving in church and strengthening new friendships. I suppose it just time to move past that and start heading towards the rest of my life. I know that once I get through all this and settled into my new house things will be much easier for me, and a lot of my stress will be for nothing.

God, I ask that you give me the strength to be fearless and get through these changes without worry, that things work out for the best, and that forever my life be a reflection of you and your will be done through me.

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